Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyers

If you were injured in an accident caused by another person or corporation, you may be burdened with physical pain, emotional trauma, and mounting medical bills. At a time when you deserve to relax and heal, you may be overwhelmed by calls from insurance adjusters looking to settle your case for a fraction of the value you need to cover your losses. Maybe you reached out to an attorney, only to have them reject your case.

Fortunately, a compassionate Atlanta personal injury lawyer is available to help. Experienced attorneys could review the facts of your case to identify the at-fault parties and determine if your claim has merit. If so, they could work tirelessly to hold them accountable and fight for the compensation you deserve. En Español.

Practice Areas

Accidents often result in a significant change in the victim’s life. Many people suffer economic harm in the form of lost wages or property damage. Similarly, people may become permanently impaired and lose significant quality of life.

The purpose of a civil claim is to make the victim whole again. As a result, any settlement package should take the full effect of the accident on the plaintiff’s life into consideration. An Atlanta attorney could demand compensation that covers the full extent of an individual’s losses in a personal injury claim and press defendants to offer terms that fit those needs.

What Plaintiffs Need to Prove in a Personal Injury Case

Plaintiffs in civil cases have the burden to demonstrate that another party is responsible for their losses. Most of the time, this means showing that an at-fault defendant’s behavior directly led to an injury. Yet even this simple framework is not identical across all cases.

In general, a plaintiff needs to prove that a defendant owed them a duty of care, that the defendant failed in this duty, and that this failure resulted in an injury. However, the concepts of duty change depending on the circumstances of the injury. For example, defendants in car accident cases have a different duty to protect other drivers than landowners have to protect visitors to their property.

Plaintiffs must also be prepared to refute the idea that their own actions contributed to the incident. Under O.C.G.A. §51-12-33(g), juries in accident cases must evaluate the actions of all people involved. If a plaintiff is more than 50 percent to blame for the incident, they cannot recover any compensation. An Atlanta personal injury attorney could help prove the defendant’s liability and protect the victim’s ability to recover compensation.

Child Safety Scholarship

The attorneys at Hart & Hart are excited to announce their first Child Safety Scholarship! Students are invited to apply by researching one of the main types of injuries a child can sustain, how these incidents happen, and how they can be avoided. If you would like to apply or are looking for more information, visit our scholarship page.

Our Team

Our team of experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyers are passionate about helping you and your loved ones after suffering a serious injury. Founding member, Steven Hart is available to help, call today.

An Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney Could Be Your Advocate

Suffering injuries after an accident can throw your life into chaos. Not only will you require medical treatment soon after the incident, but therapy sessions can last for weeks or even months. Furthermore, many plaintiffs miss work to attend doctor’s visits or are left with a disability that prevents them from earning a living. An at-fault defendant is always responsible to provide compensation for your losses. However, defendants and their insurance companies may try to offer settlements for a fraction of the case’s value or shift blame back onto you.

An Atlanta personal injury lawyer may be able to help you. They understand the state’s personal injury laws and how they apply to your case. They can also help evaluate the full extent of your losses and pursue your case for its full value. The time to file a claim may be running out; reach out to a law firm today to schedule a consultation.

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