Most people have to contend with a personal injury at some point during their lives. A simple accident, an act of god, or even a crime can lead to pain, extensive medical bills, and other losses.
If another party is at fault for your injuries, they have the legal obligation to compensate you for your losses. Even so, these payments are never automatic, and you will need to present a convincing case to collect payment.
A Riverdale personal injury lawyer could help you to investigate the causes of your injuries and build a strong claim for compensation. A dedicated attorney could stand by your side and fight for your interests while you focus on your health. En Español.
Most personal injuries are the results of accidents. However, even if the at-fault party did not intend to cause harm, the victim may be able to pursue a claim for damages. The legal cause of action called negligence allows people who suffer injuries in accidents to make claims for compensation from at-fault parties.
A successful claim for negligence requires a plaintiff to prove four main things:
Most accident cases in Riverdale follow this basic formula. Common examples of accident cases centered on negligence include motor vehicle collisions, trips and falls, product liability claims, and even medical malpractice. A Riverdale personal injury attorney could help people injured in accidents pursue negligent defendants for compensation.
Although most civil claims are based on negligence, perpetrators of intentional acts may also have civil liability. Criminal actions such as assaults, sexual battery, and kidnapping can sometimes lead to simultaneous criminal and civil cases.
The sole purpose of any personal injury claim is to make the injured plaintiff whole again. As a result, a claim must examine the total impact of the incident on the plaintiff’s life.
At the center of any claim is a physical harm. For example, injured plaintiffs in these cases may suffer broken bones, separated joints, head trauma, or back injuries. Any claim will demand reimbursement for any medical costs associated with the incident. Additionally, if an injury is severe enough to require a person to miss time at work, victims can seek compensation for lost wages.
Injuries may also inflict emotional damages. Plaintiffs can demand compensation for any lost quality of life resulting from pain, suffering, or an inability to enjoy hobbies or family time. A Riverdale accident attorney with experience in civil claims could work with individuals to evaluate the value of their damages and make demands for full payment.
Any person who suffers an injury due to the negligent actions of another party has the right to demand compensation. This includes making claims against private citizens, insurance companies, and even corporations. These claims apply both in situations where an injury is the result of an accident and those that involve intentional criminal conduct.
A Riverdale personal injury lawyer could help you to gather essential evidence in your case, to properly evaluate your damages, and to make it clear that you have a legal basis for compensation. Using this method, many cases end with a fair settlement without going to court. However, you must be sure to act quickly. Under O.C.G.A. §9-3-33, you must typically file a suit no more than two years from the date of the incident.
Even if another declined to take your case, call today to set up a consultation. With a dedicated attorney by your side, you could pursue the compensation you need.