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Riverdale Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you suffered a physical injury after being involved in a motorcycle accident, you must move quickly to protect your rights. There is only a limited time to present a case for compensation, and every moment you delay can make it more difficult to gather evidence and push for a fair payment.

At-fault drivers have the legal obligation to provide payments for losses caused by their negligence. No matter how serious your injuries are, a negligent defendant has the obligation to pay.

A Riverdale motorcycle accident lawyer could help you to pursue your claim for all appropriate damages. They can help to initiate a claim against a defendant, to gather all relevant evidence, to utilize that evidence to create powerful demand packages, and to fight for the payments that you deserve. Retaining an experienced personal injury attorney could make a critical difference in the outcome of your case. En Español.

Risks Involved in Motorbike Collisions

Riding a motorcycle is a risky activity. Even if a rider wears all possible protective gear and follows the rules of the road, they are susceptible to serious injuries in the event of a crash with another vehicle.

Simply falling off a bike and onto the pavement can inflict life-changing injuries. It is not uncommon for victims to suffer broken bones, severe cuts and scrapes, burns, or traumatic brain injuries. Motorcycle accident claims can seek compensation for the full extent of a person’s economic losses, including medical expenses, loss of income from missed work, and damage to their vehicles.

Finally, these cases can also demand appropriate payments to compensate a rider for their pain, suffering, and emotional trauma. A Riverdale motorcycle collision attorney could help to evaluate a person’s losses and pursue a claim for all appropriate compensation.

When is Another Motorist At-Fault in a Motorcycle Accident Case?

Defendants and their insurance companies may argue that a plaintiff accepted the risks involved in riding a motorcycle. However, this does not change the fact that a defendant is always responsible to provide payments for losses caused by their negligent behavior. Still, it always falls to a plaintiff to prove a defendant’s negligence.

What does it mean to be negligent? All drivers assume a duty to protect others they may encounter while on Riverdale’s roads. Of course, this extends to bikers. If a driver acts in a way that causes an accident, that driver may be considered negligent.

Typical examples of negligent driving include:

  • Speeding
  • Failing to check blind spots
  • Tailgating
  • Failing to yield
  • Texting while driving

Most wrecks that involve driver negligence involve a collision between vehicles. However, evidence of direct contact is not necessary to prove negligence. Some cases can argue that a defendant driver was negligent in a way that caused a biker to lose control of their motorcycle. For example, if a driver comes to a sudden stop without functioning taillights, this may cause a biker to fishtail and flip over. Sudden lane changes could also force a biker to make quick evasive maneuvers that result in injuries.

A Riverdale motorcycle accident attorney could help victims gather the evidence necessary to demonstrate a defendant’s negligence and to use that evidence to demand appropriate payments for their losses.

Reach Out to a Riverdale Motorcycle Accident Attorney

All people who suffer injuries due to the negligence of others deserve compensation. While bikers often sustain more serious injuries than other motorists, this does nothing to lessen the responsibility of negligent drivers.

A proper motorcycle wreck claim will demand payments for all your losses, including medical treatment, lost wages, and mental anguish. Still, no matter how severe your injuries may be, you only have a limited time to come forward. O.C.G.A. §9-3-33 gives you as little as two years from the date of the incident to file a claim for damages. Reach out to a Riverdale motorcycle accident lawyer for help building an effective and timely case against negligent drivers. Call today to schedule an appointment.

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